Obtaining and Installing JPF

We are proud that JPF is now hosted on SourceForge - showing it's true open source colors. To obtain it, please visit http://sourceforge.net/projects/javapathfinder. Since JPF is work in progress, we prefer distribution and update via the Subversion repository. Detailed instructions for developer and anonymous access can be found on http://sourceforge.net/svn/?group_id=136825

To checkout the project, use

>svn checkout https://javapathfinder.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/javapathfinder/trunk

To update, enter from within one of the javapathfinder directories

>svn update

To commit (in case you are in the developer list and have a sourceforge account), use

>svn commit -m "commit message" 

In order to build and test JPF, you need Ant and JUnit. If you do not want to use the scripts and versions that are provided with JPF, make sure you have set up your CLASSPATH to contain both tools. As of Ant 1.6.5 and JUnit 4.1, this involves the following environment settings:

>export PATH=$PATH:<your-ant-dir>/bin
>export CLASSPATH=<your-ant-dir>/lib/ant.jar:<your-junit-dir>/junit-4.1.jar

Please note - for your convenience, we have added all required external libraries and scripts to the build-tools directory, so you do not have to install any of the external components.

Now you can proceed as described in section Building JPF from a Command Line. For the impatient reader, this is mainly one command

>build-tools/bin/ant run-tests

or (especially for non-Unix folk)

>java RunAnt run-tests

which should compile the whole system and runs the regression test suite with the provided Ant and JUnit versions.